Reports from the field: The journey of a vaccine
Since 2006, when Pampers first partnered with UNICEF, we have helped eliminate MNT from 15 different countries*. None of this is possible without the tireless efforts of UNICEF's health workers who regularly go over and above the call of duty to make sure the vaccines reach the most remote outposts. As a full-time driver Hughes Cape (see video) recognizes how difficult the logistics of disseminating the vaccine can be: working all year round negotiating dangerous potholes and bridgeless rivers delivering vaccines to health centres. Chief Nurse Emanuel Kalwazi is the next stop in the process, helping to administer the vaccines to the patients. "Most women give birth at home" he says. "The midwife doesn't use sterilized equipment, so if the woman isn't vaccinated against Tetanus there's a chance that the baby will be infected and the prognosis will be death." With the Pampers UNICEF campaign running alongside the dedicated UNICEF staff in the field our goal is to protect millions more moms around the world from MNT so they have the opportunity to give birth safely and enjoy their baby's first smile. Visit UNICEF now to find out how you can help give millions of babies their first smile. *Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Lao PDR, Liberia, Madagascar, Senegal, Tanzania, Timor Leste, Sierra Leone and Uganda