Newborn Play: Activities with a 2-month-old
After a whirlwind of sleepless nights and round-the-clock feeding, you're probably getting into a routine with your two-month-old. In these early childhood development stages, she ready for more play-time and interaction with you.
Tummy time
Letting your baby spend time on her tummy will help strengthen her back and neck muscles. Place her on her tummy on a blanket on the floor. Prop her on her arms, making sure there are no blankets or toys around her face. Now watch her try to lift her head and move it from side to side. Start with about three to five minutes a few times a day and gradually increase the amount of time for each tummy session.
**At around this age, your baby may develop a social smile, which is a huge milestone for all parents. Prop her on your lap, talk to her and smile at her. She'll be entertained and engaged simply by the sound of your voice and the look on your face.
Read together
Now is the perfect time to get into the routine of reading a bedtime story. Following a big day packed with fun activities, a bedtime tale should have her dreaming in minutes!