Second Trimester Pregnancy: What to expect
Congratulations on reaching your second trimester. Many women say it is the most comfortable period of all. Morning sickness usually subsides, and you will start to have more energy than during the first 13 weeks.
While you are, hopefully, feeling much better than the first trimester, there are a few discomforts that can develop; including constipation, haemorrhoids and round ligament pain.
Combating Constipation
The shift in hormones during pregnancy decreases the activity of your gastrointestinal tract. Also, as the baby grows, she pushes into your large intestine. All this can lead to constipation.
Pregnancy Constipation Remedies:
Luckily, slight changes in your diet can do a lot to get things moving:
Drink plenty of water – eight glasses a day is best.
Eat more fibre, including prunes, bran cereal and salads.
Try to walk for at least 15 minutes each day to improve your blood circulation to your organs.
Don't take an over-the-counter laxative without checking with your healthcare provider first.
Pregnancy Haemorrhoids: Relief
Haemorrhoids, enlarged veins in the rectum, commonly develop during pregnancy because of the increased pressure in that area. Because haemorrhoids tend to get worse as the baby gets bigger, treating them at the first sign of discomfort can help to keep them under control later on:
Warm baths can help to relieve the pain of haemorrhoids.
Try to avoid standing for long periods of time; standing a lot can make your circulation sluggish, which can worsen haemorrhoids.
Preventing constipation can also help: The less you need to strain to pass a bowel movement (and the softer your stools), the better.
If nothing you try on your own works, ask your provider about medication.
Round Ligament Pain
If you experience pain or cramping in your groin area, chances are it's the result of round ligament pain. As the uterus grows, the ligaments that hold it in place in your abdomen have to stretch. This stretching can cause pain in some women.
Unfortunately, there's not a lot you can do to ease round ligament pain. If the pain becomes intense, contact your health provider. Groin or abdominal pain during pregnancy can also be a sign of a possible complication, so she'll need to rule out anything serious.
Despite the few discomforts you may have, the second trimester is, according to most women, the best. Hopefully these tips will help you make the most of it.