26 weeks pregnant
26 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby’s Development
Practice breathing. This week, your baby's nostrils are starting to open up, which gives him or her the chance to practice breathing using newly those developed muscles and lungs. There's no air to take in, of course, so instead baby 'inhales' and 'exhales' amniotic fluid.
Baby's sucking reflex. Your little one’s sucking reflex is so strong that if his or her hand floats near the face, baby might suck on the thumb or fingers. Ultrasounds often show babies in utero sucking their thumbs.
Grabby Grabberson. If you hold out your finger to a newborn, you'll be amazed by the strength of his or her grip. Your baby is practising that killer clutch at the moment. Baby’s favourite pull toy is the umbilical cord, but don't worry: the cord can take it!

26 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms
Snack attack. Your baby snacks when you snack, so pay attention to what and how often you eat. Low blood sugar can make you dizzy, shaky and tired, so indulge in small, frequent meals to even things out.
Hot mama. If you’re used to spicy food, then by all means, carry on. However, trying hot food for the first time can cause an upset stomach, so proceed with caution when it comes to adventurous cuisine.
Did you know? What colour are your baby’s eyes? Although the iris portion of the eye (the coloured part) has developed, there is no pigmentation yet, so it’s too early to guess eye colour. And even after baby is born, the colour might change up until 6 months.
26 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist
Pay attention to what you eat and how often you eat
Carry around small, portable snacks like fruit or yogurt
Register for your upcoming delivery at your local hospital or birth center
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