33 weeks pregnant
33 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby’s Development
Quick study. At this point, baby can see the liquid world around him or her, feel sensation when grabbing a toe or sucking on a finger, taste the amniotic fluid and hear your heartbeat. There's no air in the amniotic sac to carry scent, but if there were, baby would be able to smell the surrounding environment.
Heads up. Because of tremendous brain growth, your baby's head circumference has increased by nearly 1.3 cm (0.5 inch) just this week.
Mind the menu. It's more important than ever to pay attention to your diet. Your baby's protein and fat requirements are at their greatest over the next few weeks, so be sure to eat balanced meals.

33 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms
Scaling up. You'll continue putting on about 450 g (1 lb) a week until just before delivery. Don't try to slow your weight gain: your baby needs the extra weight at the moment. There'll be plenty of time to lose weight after delivery.
Wrestling with wrist pain. Many pregnant women develop carpal tunnel syndrome characterised by swelling around the nerves at the wrist due to water retention. The pain and swelling will probably disappear after you deliver. In the meantime, try shifting your sleeping position so that you're not putting any pressure on your hands or wrists. You may also want to wear a wrist brace to keep your wrist extended. Be sure to tell your provider about any pain you experience.
Did you know? Your baby has now grown so much that there is less amniotic fluid in your uterus and more baby; so you’ll be feeling those kicks and jabs even more! Did you know that you can calm your baby by rocking in a rocking chair, swaying on a labour ball or doing some pelvic rocking on your hands and knees?
33 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist
Pay special attention to your diet, eating plenty of protein and healthy fats
Plot and time your route to the hospital and practice getting there
Wear a wrist brace or shift your sleeping position if you’re having wrist pain
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