10 weeks pregnant
10 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby’s Development
Listen up. At the moment, your baby's outer ears sit low on the head, but they'll move to the right spot as the head grows.
Vision quest. Your little one's eyes are also developing. The basic optical structure is in place and the eyelids are beginning to cover the eyes, which are still on either side of the head.
The whole tooth. Baby's first tooth won't break through the gums until several months after birth, but tiny tooth buds are already starting to form.

10 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms
Kick the caffeine habit. Many healthcare providers recommend that you reduce or eliminate caffeine from your diet. Caffeine can also contribute to dehydration since it's a diuretic (something that makes you urinate). If you must have your daily latte or fizzy drink, be sure to drink extra water to compensate for the loss of fluid.
Circulation information. At this stage of your pregnancy, your heart begins to pump more blood through your arteries. In fact, by 32 weeks, you'll have 40 to 50 per cent more blood in your body, sending much of it to the uterus and placenta. Taking steps now to improve your blood flow may help prevent varicose veins later in your pregnancy. Walking daily, lying on your left side, elevating your legs (with knees supported) and sitting without crossing your legs can all help to prevent your circulation from becoming sluggish.
Did you know? The placenta is forming as the umbilical cord gets longer. Your baby is also growing rapidly and beginning to take on a human shape. Tiny tooth buds are forming and eyebrows are even beginning to grow!
10 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist
Reduce or eliminate caffeine from your diet
Improve your blood flow by walking, elevating your legs, or lying on your left side
Get plenty of sleep and rest
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