9 weeks pregnant
9 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby’s Development
Growth spurt. This stage is a critical period for arm and leg development. The legs have lengthened and the buds that will eventually become the toes have started to sprout. Meanwhile, the arms have grown longer and have begun to bend at the elbow. A basic hand structure is forming too, with the fingers and a thumb. Your baby’s liver, gallbladder, spleen and adrenal gland are working hard to develop.
On the go. Nine weeks marks the beginning of the dance period! Your little one has started moving vigorously, even in response to stimuli from outside of your body. Try to be patient: You’ll have to wait until the second trimester to actually feel these movements.

9 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms
Make way for milk. Your breasts are probably fuller, heavier and tender to the touch. Although they’ll continue to grow throughout your pregnancy, the sensitivity should subside by the end of your fourth month. You may also start to see small white bumps on your areolas (the dark-coloured part of your nipple). These glands, called Montgomery's tubercles, will produce oils to keep your nipples moist during breastfeeding.
Swim at the pool. Many experts consider swimming to be the best exercise for pregnant women, as it’s gentle on your joints. The hormone relaxin that’s now running through your body makes your joints loose so that your pelvis can expand during birth. While this will help during your delivery, make sure to avoid any exercises that could put too much strain on your joints in the meantime.
Did you know? You won’t feel it yet, but the baby has started to move! Your baby’s arms have grown longer and have begun to bend at the elbow. His or her legs have also sprouted buds that will become toes.
9 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist
Find out what your health insurance covers, or how to get care if you don't have insurance
Choose a safe exercise you can stick with for the rest of your pregnancy, like walking or yoga
Be prepared for your breasts to feel fuller, heavier, and tender
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