13 weeks pregnant
13 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby’s Development
The producers. Now that your baby has developed all of the critical body structures, the organs are hard at work. The liver secretes bile, the pancreas produces insulin and the kidneys form urine to carry waste away (into the amniotic fluid). Your little one's intestines, which have partially resided in the umbilical cord, have moved back into the abdomen now that there's enough room to accommodate them.
Head case. The head takes up half of that length, thanks to all that brain development. Over the next few months, the body will grow at breakneck speed to catch up. When your baby is born, the head will be only a quarter of his or her total length.

13 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms
Welcome to the second trimester! Many women describe the next few months as the honeymoon period of pregnancy. The discomforts of the first trimester–fatigue, nausea and frequent urination–ease up a bit and you finally start to enjoy being pregnant. Many women even feel a surge of energy during this trimester.
Middle management. One reason why you may feel pregnant is that your waistline is starting to thicken. As your regular trousers are probably getting a little snug, you might feel more comfortable in those cute maternity clothes you've had your eye on! Whatever you decide, dress with comfort in mind.
Did you know? The baby's head is half of his or her total length, but the body will catch up in the coming weeks. The developed organs are also beginning to function. The liver secretes bile, the pancreas makes insulin and the kidneys form urine. In addition, the vocal cords are starting to develop, getting your baby ready to communicate with you after birth.
13 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist
Look for some comfortable, stylish clothes to accommodate your baby bump
Enjoy the beginning of your second trimester, when you may have more energy and less nausea
Think about sharing your big news with your wider circle of family and friends
Sign up for even more pregnancy tips