14 weeks pregnant
14 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby’s Development
Smart mouth. Your baby's mouth can open and close and is starting to make swallowing and sucking motions. Those little facial muscles are really getting a workout!
Set for speech. The oesophagus, windpipe, larynx and vocal cords are all prepped and ready for that first loud wail after birth.
Face formation. By now the eyes have moved to their proper place at the top of the face, and the ears have moved from the neck to the sides of the head. The jaws have been complete for a while, and the palate is now 'zipping up', closing from front to back.

14 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms
The ever-expanding uterus. Your healthcare provider will note the size of your uterus at each pre-natal visit by measuring the distance from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus (the fundus). Generally, this measurement correlates to the week of pregnancy. At the moment, it is approximately 14 centimetres above the upper ridge of your pubic bone, while at 20 weeks, it will be about 20 centimetres.
Feeling congested? The hormone progesterone is to blame for this condition called pregnancy rhinitis. It increases circulation to the mucous membranes of the nose, causing them to swell. While unfortunately, there aren’t many treatments, you can use a humidifier or dab on a little petroleum jelly to moisturise the skin. Just be sure to stay clear of anti-histamine nasal sprays.
Did you know? Your baby is making sucking motions with his or her mouth and may even be able to get a thumb in! At 14 weeks, your little one is starting to look more “human” because the eyes and ears are now in the proper place on the head.
14 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist
If your nose is stuffy, use a humidifier or put a little petroleum jelly in each nostril
Say goodbye to your normal waistline, as your uterus starts to rise above your pubic bone
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